Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Progress!!!

Recently I have taken on my first video editing project involving forms of lens alterations. It is a loosely based narrative of a dream sequence.
Check it Out!!!

Looking for a Soundtrack, Any Thoughts?

Another Serious Film Project Worth Mentioning:

I found this video on, an internet search engine that allows you to browse media specific to your interests. Great way to get inspired.I don't know much about the artist but he/she seems to be interested in capturing what the eye cannot, the basis of our first project.

The Most Amazing Time Lapse Video of Milky Way Ever Made. Seriously.

Artist Levi Beamish Manipulates Scanner to get some really cool shots. I want to do this. Seriously.

If the embedding doesn't work follow this link.

Hope everyone is enjoying my first few posts. I appreciate questions and comments greatly!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Charles is Back on the Interweb

Hey Fans,
This blog is currently posting materials pertaining to Billy Friebele's Art Topics: Experimental Media Class in the Fall of 2011.

The Art That I did this Summer:
This summer, I tried to familiarize myself with digital photography and video by helping promote some musical artist with their promotion. I took video footage for a concert and helped supplement artwork for albums and a website. I tried to provvide my skills with graffiti style art by setting up a graffiti wall at one event.

The event, All Bad Festival, took place on the same weekend as All Good Music Festival, a popular 3 day camping festival.


One artist that I read about over the summer and am currently interested in is David O'Reilly, an experimental digital artist who appears to fall right in line with class discussion thus far.

David O'Reilly is an experimental animator that choose to do his animation alone rather than with a team of designers. He chooses this method consciously taking shortcuts and allowing computer bugs to become visible in the artwork.

His images often contain 'trace elements' of the interface, poorly rendered polygon shapes, compression artifacts. He uses these elements to create a natural voice for the for the digital image which is designed to speak for itself in the same way that Jackson Pollock wanted the medium of paint to speak for itself in his splattered paintings.

Check Him Out!!!