Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New Artists


Edward Tang is a digital media artist pushing the boundaries in how visual information is received through computer programing. Edward Tang is featured artist on . He says that a common paradigm in new media arts is creating software that takes video footage and inputs the information in creative ways to produce unique images. These programs try in some way to mirror human experience and perception. He creates images which express objects in a 3d mirror form that he labels the process "3D Video Sculpture" He has created a version of this software which manipulates a Light Cube to show an image at its various depths rather than just in two dimensions.
This seems to articulate the images through their form, in a way similar to the early artists of cubism, who painted objects so they could be experience from every angle rather than just one.

His interface creates tens of thousand of these little blocks and arranges them in 3D matrix.
The images produced seem like shots from The Matrix and they seem to really inspire something inside me
when I look at them. Artists like Edward Tang are pioneering new ways of depicting images on the computer which give rise to new possibilities in both the art world and in the world of entertainment.
I think that this seems to have a place in the world of Game Design in the future, although it is clear that the idea is still in its early stages and is still too time consuming to utilize.

Netflix Envelope Art!

An interesting type of artwork has emerged in the world of renting movies. This is an interesting way to alter the way your art is recieved, creating a unique art experience neveer before experienced. Although Netflix is now on it's way out of business after the latest issue spliting online and mail order movies, this was a creative way of subverting the traditional process of drawing to center in an modern reality. This seems most closely tied with grafitti art since the designs are mostly graphic and cartoon-like. The artists also use pen names as if to remain anonymous, although I can't imagine that there is anything illegal about it.
There seem to be a large number of these artists appearing although the trend may be on it's way out already.


Just another cool experiment. I think that you could get some really interesting shots by framing this experiment up close. Hope to do so soon, check the blog for an update soon!

If it doesnt work follow this link below!

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